19 Сентябрь 2024
6 месяц назад
Two Russian Navy NFAF Tu-142 MPA completed a 12-hour OOA routine MARPAT, 041400Z MAR 24. Aircraft noted operating in the Norwegian Sea during the 0900Z hour & probably COND SURV of Ex Steadfast Defender activity
6 месяц назад
Ледокол Ермак горит в порту Санкт-Петербурга
7 месяц назад
Госдума приняла закон о денонсации соглашения от 1956 года, разрешавшего морякам из Великобритании ловить рыбу в российской зоне Баренцева моря
8 месяц назад
Пожарные потушили пожар на атомоходе "Севморпуть" в Мурманске
9 месяц назад
Андреевские флаги подняты на новых атомных подлодках "Красноярск" и "Император Александр III"
The Newnew Polar Bear left Arkhangelsk this morning and is heading north in the White Sea. AIS destination on Marinetraffic is Meeting icebreaker. Interestingly, the NNPB got a new NSR application approved on Oct 19th, for Nov 1st to 15th. The old expires on Oct 31st11 месяц назад
The Newnew Polar Bear left Arkhangelsk this morning and is heading north in the White Sea. AIS destination on Marinetraffic is "Meeting icebreaker". Interestingly, the NNPB got a new NSR application approved on Oct 19th, for Nov 1st to 15th. The old expires on Oct 31st
Russia is reinforcing its presence in the Arctic through the connection of Franz Josef Land to Novaya Zemlya with underwater cable this month. The operation will be carried by cable layer YAUZA, already on site11 месяц назад
Russia is reinforcing its presence in the Arctic through the connection of Franz Josef Land to Novaya Zemlya with underwater cable this month. The operation will be carried by cable layer YAUZA, already on site
Small Novaya Zemlya update: A new NOTAM, extending the period until the 12th has been issued. This indicates that despite Putin's statements, Burevestnik related activities will likely continue. The NAVWARN is active to the 31st11 месяц назад
Small Novaya Zemlya update: A new NOTAM, extending the period until the 12th has been issued. This indicates that despite Putin's statements, Burevestnik related activities will likely continue. The NAVWARN is active to the 31st
Russia may be planning to test a new nuclear powered missile in the Artic, according to the New York Times The 9M730 Burevestnik (NATO designation SSC-X-9 Skyfall) is believed to be a nuclear-capable AND nuclear-powered missile that Russia has been unsuccessfully testing over the past years. All of the previous test failed, as the mini-nuclear engine failed to engage. It theoratically, could clear 23,000 km according to the Nuclear Threat Initiative11 месяц назад
Russia may be planning to test a new nuclear powered missile in the Artic, according to the New York Times The 9M730 Burevestnik (NATO designation SSC-X-9 Skyfall) is believed to be a nuclear-capable AND nuclear-powered missile that Russia has been unsuccessfully testing over the past years. All of the previous test failed, as the mini-nuclear engine failed to engage. It theoratically, could clear 23,000 km according to the Nuclear Threat Initiative
1 год назад
Путин обсудил с Совбезом России важные вопросы, в том числе континентальный шельф России в Северном Ледовитом океане
Announcement from @StateDept that @POTUS plans to elevate the Arctic Coordinator position by appointing an Ambassador-at-Large for the Arctic Region, subject to the advice and consent of the Senate
USAF RC-135W Rivet Joint работает под Мурманском JAKE11 reg:62-41302 год назад
USAF RC-135W Rivet Joint работает под Мурманском JAKE11 reg:62-4130
2 год назад
МИД России: Вступление Финляндии и Швеции в НАТО дестабилизирует Арктику
2 год назад
Putin: "Unfriendly" countries have destroyed supply chains in the Arctic
Extreme 'warmth' in Antarctica right now.  Some monthly records are being broken by 15°C2 год назад
Extreme 'warmth' in Antarctica right now. Some monthly records are being broken by 15°C
2 год назад
Finland and Sweden, two Arctic states that are not NATO members, received a letter from Russia demanding security guarantees. Finland is preparing a response to these demands, its foreign minister says
2 год назад
Российский Северный флот начал учения в Баренцевом море с участием около 20 кораблей, включая крейсер "Петр Великий" и фрегат "Адмирал Горшков"
Here are PRIPs/NAVWARNs issued today for the Barents-, White Sea, and the Nenets coast for next week, most labeled Rocket Launches.  42/22 may indicate something from Plesetsk2 год назад
Here are PRIPs/NAVWARNs issued today for the Barents-, White Sea, and the Nenets coast for next week, most labeled "Rocket Launches". 42/22 may indicate something from Plesetsk
2 год назад
There were no natural phenomena that led to the break of the fiberoptic cable between Svalbard and the Norwegian mainland, police investigations conclude
Currently issued Barents Sea NOTAMs. A couple indicating local Northern Fleet activity, and the strange areas west of Novaya Zemlya are back. The latter active from the 9th to the 14th2 год назад
Currently issued Barents Sea NOTAMs. A couple indicating local Northern Fleet activity, and the strange areas west of Novaya Zemlya are back. The latter active from the 9th to the 14th
2 год назад
Северный флот России начал обучение с участием 30 кораблей, 140 транспортных средств, 20 самолетов и 1200 военнослужащих
This afternoon, a Norwegian P-3C Orion followed a Russian group of vessels off the Norwegian coast. The Russians sailed legally in international waters, but Norway continuously follows all movements in the High North2 год назад
This afternoon, a Norwegian P-3C Orion followed a Russian group of vessels off the Norwegian coast. The Russians sailed legally in international waters, but Norway continuously follows all movements in the High North
Norwegian coast guard vessel KV Andenes nearby tracking south to supposed Russian vessels2 год назад
Norwegian coast guard vessel KV Andenes nearby tracking south to supposed Russian vessels
The Northern Fleet Kaliningradneft-class oiler Vyazma is now tracking north-west off the coast of Finnmark.  She is likely not sailing alone, but have no confirmation on group composition yet2 год назад
The Northern Fleet Kaliningradneft-class oiler Vyazma is now tracking north-west off the coast of Finnmark. She is likely not sailing alone, but have no confirmation on group composition yet
2 год назад
Два Ту-160 совершили полет над Северным Ледовитым океаном, Баренцевым и Белым морями.
The largest @NATO exercise inside the Arctic Circle, Cold Response is planned for the beginning of March. 35,000 soldiers from 28 nations will participate. U.S. aircraft carrier "USS Harry S Truman" will also be part of the exercise
2 год назад
Путин: сегодня под утро провели успешный залповый пуск гиперзвуковой системы "Циркон"
Kola, Barents, and White Sea NOTAM/PRIP update.  The large Barents area has been extended to the 23rd - 27/28th. The PRIP closes large parts of the Barents and White Seas.  Relate this to upcoming NORFLT activity.  NOTAM for Pechenga-area also indicates 200th and 61st activity2 год назад
Kola, Barents, and White Sea NOTAM/PRIP update. The large Barents area has been extended to the 23rd - 27/28th. The PRIP closes large parts of the Barents and White Seas. Relate this to upcoming NORFLT activity. NOTAM for Pechenga-area also indicates 200th and 61st activity
Russia: Northern Fleet frigate Admiral Gorshkov, fired 1 Zircon missile from the White Sea at 1 coastal target located at the Chizha training ground in the Arkhangelsk region as part of the completion of the test cycle of hypersonic missile weapons2 год назад
Russia: Northern Fleet frigate Admiral Gorshkov, fired 1 Zircon missile from the White Sea at 1 coastal target located at the Chizha training ground in the Arkhangelsk region as part of the completion of the test cycle of hypersonic missile weapons
2 год назад
The UN's World Meteorological Organization recognises a new record-high temperature in the Arctic, confirming a reading in Siberia last year of 38 degrees Celsius (100.4 degrees Fahrenheit)